Sunday, March 1, 2009

Preliminary investigation/Project Outline update

Hello all! I've managed to get ahold of my camera so I can now post those pictures i promised in my previous post. Also, to clarify, this report is going to be secifically on the exterior wall assemblies from houses that were built before Part 9 of the BCBC (British Columbia Building Code) took affect. Or more specifically, older Westsyde houses.
Over the next year or so, I plan to be doing multiple renovations so I will be able to deduct what the real problem issues are, and assess an affordable, sustainable solution. I'll come to this conclusion through the study of multiple resources and consultation of knowledgeable professionals. All comments are welcome and appreciated.


  1. The pictures are quite small. Can you figure out a way to make them bigger? I know other students have done this.

  2. some wall assemblies utilize an air barrier that is on the warm side of the wall. It is effective as long as nothing is pierced through the wall and penetrating the air barrier. This would most likely occur in a bathroom. I have a couple ideas for an original graphic that might accurately represent your thesis. find me and we'll talk shop.

  3. Thank You
    I just wanted to thank everyone for helping me out on my research topic. I thought I knew exactly what report I wanted to write about, but blogging with the class has made me realize that there is more options out there. My thesis will be the same but how I get there may change.
